

How to apply for Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA) funding

As a student, you now know there is various help and support available to you. Shown below are funders available, please select the one appropriate to you. Information on what funding to apply for can also be found within useful information.

If you are currently a student at University, your disability officer / disability adviser can aid you in the completion of DSA Applications / Forms. For contact details, find your disability officer.


There is no deadline for applying for the DSA, however the sooner you apply, the sooner you will have everything in place when you start your course.

It is advisable to keep a copy of all documentary evidence sent.

Please select your funding body from below:

student-finance-england logo SFWlogo student-finance-ni-logo RGB
official-saas-logo NHSBursaries Research-Council
ou cmyk masterlogo 19mm