Framework Documents
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 June 2015 15:05
Within the quality assurance scheme there are two applicable frameworks.
The objective of the assessment centres: Quality Assurance Framework (QAF), includes standard operating procedures to provide guidance to the assessment centres in England and Wales which facilitates the delivery of a quality assured needs assessment service. This is to ensure that a disabled student receives a high quality service which is timely, effective and meets their needs, at whichever centre they choose to have their assessment done.
All registered assessment centres and outreach centres will be subject to an annual QAF audit. The audit measures the compliance to the QAF, by implementing QAF Policies and Procedures. The centres which are audited and successfully meet the criteria will achieve annual accreditation.
The objective of the Assistive Technology Service (ATS) Provider: QAF includes standard operating procedures to provide guidance for ATS providers who sign up to the Service Level Timescales. An ATS provider is a 'one stop shop' provider which will supply all approved equipment, including, if appropriate, a computer system, as a package that meets the assessed needs of the student (even if part of the package has to be obtained from another company) normally for the full range of necessary support. The criteria of the QAF requires the ATS provider to confirm that their procedures are client-focused, education / assessment centre -focused, Local Authority (LA) - focused.
The ATS providers will be subject to an annual audit. The audit measures compliance to the QAF, by implementing QAF Policies and Procedures. The ATS providers which are audited and successfully meet the criteria will achieve annual accreditation.
Please see links below to all relevant documents:
Assessment Centre QAF – Assessment Centre QAF 14 15 v4.13 (1.37 MB)
Assistive Technology Provider QAF - ATS Provider QAF 14 15 v5.3 (1.1 MB)
View specialist suppliers recognised by the DSA sector.
For further information, please see the full end-to-end audit process.
Note: Should you require the framework documents in any other accessible format, please contact with details of your requirement and we will be happy to assist.