Arranging Delivery Of Your Equipment
- Last Updated on Friday, 08 May 2015 15:33
Once you have the letter from your funding body informing you of any support, equipment and/or training approved for you, it is important that you make arrangements for these as quickly as possible.
Follow the details on the funding body letter and contact each organisation and advise them that you have approval from your funding body. These organisations will be able to support you through the process.
Please note delivery of your equipment should be within 10 working days of you calling and providing confirmation of your funding body approval.
Also, please be aware that many students may be arranging this at the same time as you and you may experience some delays. Or you may find that you are unable to have your preferred delivery or training date/time, if you wait until the last minute.
If you have any questions about the organisations who supply Disabled Students Allowances (DSA) funded equipment, please see the full list of equipment suppliers.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Once you have made contact with your supplier, they will arrange delivery, set up and familiarisation of your equipment. For first time students in 2015/16 where you have been recommended a computer, you will be required to pay a £200 contribution in advance of delivery.
Familiarisation of your equipment means you will be given some basic guidance on how the equipment works. If you have received a computer, software or other complex equipment you may also have been approved for more detailed training. This training is usually arranged for a date soon after your delivery. Training may be either on-line or in person, depending upon what was considered most suitable for you in the needs assessment report.
Your supplier will support you through this process and there will be ongoing after delivery support too. During the delivery of your equipment, the engineer will advise you of the technical support helpdesk details should you encounter a problem with any of your equipment.