Non Medical Helper Providers

To find a specific NMH provider, please enter their name in the search box at the top right of the screen and press the 'enter/return' key on your keyboard. Alternatively, please enter the postcode of the provider/university or college in the box provided to the left and select 'Search.'

To view the full list of NMH providers, in alphabetical order, please leave the postcode entry clear and select 'Search.'

If you wish to appear on the database please contact or telephone 0141 228 6070.


Disclaimer: The companies / institutions listed on the Non-Medical Helper Providers database are not registered with DSA-QAG and are therefore not subject to quality assurance audits. DSA-QAG does not endorse the companies / institutions listed on the database.

QAG collates the information provided by the companies / institutions as true and accurate. You may use the services published at your own discretion.