- Last Updated on Friday, 08 May 2015 15:41
1. What are Disabled Students Allowances (DSAs)?
3. When should I apply for DSAs?
4. Do I need to send original documentation?
5. Do I need to pay back my DSAs?
6. What is an Entitlement Letter?
7. Do I have to pay for anything?
8. How do I apply for payment of travel costs?
9. Can I claim money back for equipment I have bought myself?
10. I've decided to leave/change my course, who do I notify and how do I do this?
11. What is a Diagnostic Assessment?
12. What is the assessment process?
13. How do I find my supplier?
15. Do I get to keep the equipment when I complete my course?
16. How do I make a complaint?
17. How do I find my disability officer?
What are Disabled Students Allowances (DSAs)?
For full details on what DSAs are, including information on what you'll get, eligibility and how to apply, please click
the relevant link below:
Overview - https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas
What you'll get – https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas/what-youll-get
Eligibility & evidence required – https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas/eligibility
How to apply – https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas/how-to-claim
How long does it take?
Once you have applied and returned all the evidence required by your funding body the process can take around 14 weeks.
When should I apply for DSAs?
As it takes almost 14 weeks you should apply for DSAs as soon as possible don't wait until you start studying.
Do I need to send original documentation?
You should check this with your funding body, but most are happy to receive clear photocopies.
Do I need to pay back my DSAs?
Your DSAs are a grant which is non-repayable. However, if you leave your course before the end, you should confirm this with your funding body. Find information about funding bodies.
What is an Entitlement Letter?
This is the approval letter which is sent by your funding body. It tells you what support has been approved and how to arrange your support.
Do I have to pay for anything?
You may need to pay for any tests or letters to prove that you qualify for DSA. However, it may be possible to get financial help through your university or college. You should speak to your disability officer about this.
You will have to pay for: consumables; additional travel costs; photocopying; additional non-core textbooks; and internet costs. However, if recommended in your needs assessment report, you may be able to claim back these costs through the general allowance.
If you have been recommended a new computer, you will need to pay the first £200 towards this.
How do I apply for payment of travel costs?
If travel costs have been recommended in your needs assessment report, you will have to apply for reimbursement through your funding body. Find information about funding bodies.
Can I claim money back for equipment I have bought myself?
No, if you have bought equipment prior to being assessed, you will not be reimbursed for it.
I've decided to leave/change my course, who do I notify and how do I do this?
You should notify your funding body as soon as possible. Find information about funding bodies.
What is a Diagnostic Assessment
A Diagnostic Assessment is used to identify the presence of Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD). It is conducted by specialist teachers and psychologists who hold a current practising certificate in SpLD Assessment issued by their professional association for example British Psychological Society (BPS) or the Professional Association for Teachers and Assessors of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (Patoss).
What is the assessment process?
Find information on the assessment process.
How do I find my supplier?
Find a full list of Disabled Students Allowances Quality Assurance Group (DSA-QAG) registered suppliers.
Equipment Delivery
Find details on arranging delivery of your equipment.
Do I get to keep the equipment when I complete my course?
Yes, as long as you have not left university early - if you leave early, please check this with your funding body.
How do I make a complaint?
You can make a complaint by accessing our complaints section which will give you details on the process to follow.
How do I find my disability officer?
Find your disability officer by accessing our disability officer search.