Registered Non-Medical Helper (NMH) Provider – Registered Organisations

We have prepared a list of Registered NMH Providers for the funding bodies. The list is accessed by the funding body when validating an NMH provider’s registration status. As highlighted in the various BIS communications, the funding body will only authorise NMH support to registered NMH Providers for students being assessed for NMH support for the first time after 25 April.

The list will be updated on Monday and Thursday mornings with registered NMH Providers. There is a date stamp applied to the log each time an update is completed. Please note; you will only appear on the list once payment of your registration invoice has been made.

In addition, the registered list is to reduce the need for NMH Providers to carry out multiple ‘searches’ for their organisation when they have been advised by DSA-QAG that they have been published.

We ask that NMH Providers refrain from carrying out multiple searches to reduce the high volume of traffic accessing the site, allowing needs assessors to search for/identify the information they require for NMH support.

21 07 16 Published List (27 KB)

Excel Filter Instructions v1.0 (131 KB)